Archive for the ‘product updates’ Category

Wrist cuffs update.

This update concerns all the TouchBound wrist cuffs:

  • Laminated wrist cuffs.
  • Chrome lined cuffs.
  • ER chrome cuffs.

Update content:

  • Light primcount reduction.
  • Cuff glow replaced by locking pin glow on the laminated series, no change on the sensing zones.
  • Mirrored animations for cuffs ↔ ankle cuffs.
  • General system updates (Memory optimization/chain fix/description text cap, etc…)

Enjoy 🙂

KDC Chrome lined collar and KDC/ER collar update!

  • Animations have been mirrored with the cuffs , now clicking collar > cuff offers the same options as cuff > collar.
  • Various memory optimizations done on timers and lists.
  • The RLV activator is now compiled in LSL mode to cut its memory usage.
  • Adjusted the clicking prims to avoid click conflicts with other attachments.
  • Descriptions from locks are capped to 30 characters max. (for memory reasons)
  • Chains and animations now survive relogging. (finally!)

A full changelog is available on the documentation wiki.

Enjoy 🙂

Micro update

I just updated the “vintage” KDC Stiletto boots (Yes, the year 2005 boots). If you already own them, just send me an IM for the update. The built-in AO was removed, they where lightly tweaked and now use an alpha mask. Again, this is an extremely old product, but the update was simple enough, and asked nicely sooo…

The KDC Winter holiday sale is here!

To end 2012 in a bang, I’m doing a big store wide “price adjustment” if you will 🙂
A lot of products have been priced down, click the “more” button to get a full list!

Time to fill your Xmas wishlist 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »

A little update on the institutional straitjacket.

Version 1.4b is here, fairly minor adjustments but I’m sure everyone will welcome them:

  • Removed the invisible prims
  • Added a set of alpha layers  (5 lengths in 10 pixels increments)

If you want the new jacket, just send me a private message, those who bought it from the marketplace can simply ask for a redelivery (I think?).

Otherwise, there is a free box in my in world shop for those who just want to grab the alpha layers.

I am a little sick this week but i should be back working monday.

Quick bridle update

There was a little bug that would make the HUD output debug information, I’m sorry about this.

Failed to release, but updates

I pushed a moderate update that covers most of the cuffs and collars with various bug fixes. I was about to release the PonyPlay rubber bit… and I ran out of memory in the core script.

So there is that to do tomorrow. Squeeze enough memory to get the bit to work reliably.

Sneak peek, the PonyPlay bit customisation HUD

I thought that I would post a little update, I got all the textures ready and should be able to release tomorrow or Wednesday!


Blinker HUD adjustment for 16:9 users

I pushed an update to the Ponyplay Bridle that lightly widen the blinker HUD to get rid of the black borders for 16:9 users.

Stuffed ballgag & Mittens bug fix

I’m feeling better than I was monday. I’m not yet completely healed but for now it will do.

There has been a lingering bug in my HUD code that affected the paw mittens and the stuffed ballgag pretty much since day one, but a lack of consistent bug reports made me unable to pinpoint its location.

This is now corrected, after way too long, my apologies.

I will also now include a notecard change log for each future product updates, this way you can have a brief summary of the new features and bug corrections.

Kyrah Abattoir
Creator of BDSM and fetish content in Second Life since 2004.

Seasoned 3D artist and programmer, aspiring video game creator.

March 2025