Archive for the ‘product updates’ Category
Paw Mittens update.
Small update on the paw mittens, there was a pair of missing animations for the left hand when connecting to collars. And I also added a “no editing” restriction when buckled in 🙂
Fixed the revosuit X UV Template
As it turns out, I shipped the RevoSuit X with the wrong UV template, sorry to those who tried to make their own textures.
I’ve updated the template that is supplied with new packages, but if you already received your copy, just PM me and I’ll send you a replacement.
Happy birthday Kyrah, and a blindfold update!
I’m officially 34 today. Not that it makes me feel any wiser 🙂
The Classic Leather Blindfold is now updated to version 6!
- The blindfold screen effect can be disabled by the wearer by changing the configuration entry “cfg_ScreenEffect=On” to “cfg_ScreenEffect=Off”.
Please note that this is not “stealthy” as the info panel will inform anyone double clicking the blindfold that the screen effect is disabled.
Small patch for the mittens!
The new Mitten code had a small bug that messed with the RLV state synchronisation when they were locked. That’s now fixed!
I also removed the “safety” check that prevented you from self locking the mittens with a fingerprint padlock, it just became redundant.
Leash handles & Anchor plates are now standard.
I repackaged most TouchBound products to now include my freebie leash handle and anchor plates by default so you don’t have to look for the free bundle at the shop anymore 🙂
Lattice cage patched to version 2
Two logic bugs fixed:
- Cage door would open when the hatch auto open was active.
- ForceTP would not be cleared properly on door auto open.
Just wear the cage updater and follow the instructions 🙂
The Multi-Leash update is out!
I’ve just released a major patch for the TouchBound System, the biggest feature is that it adds a new system that allow you to draw multiple leashes from a given person to a specific target, it can be an object with one or more anchor points, or another person’s wearables.
Because there has been a few slight changes in the item<->item communication protocol it is strongly recommended to update!
If you do not want to redo all your adjustments, you can simply copy the scripts over and update the version number in the description of the object, this is a script-only update.
The following TouchBound products are affected:
- All collars.
- The chastity belt.
- All cuffs.
- The paw mittens.
- All PonyPlay bits.
- The stuffed ball gag.
- All piercings.
That’s a total of 44 products, sorry for the inconvenience, I hope that you will enjoy the new feature.
Small vacuum system patch
I noticed a slight issue with the current IAPI vacuum system, the problem only concerns the floor dust surface and the vacuum chargers and should fix problems with the vacuum dust content “sticking” between usages. It should also display the right transparency level for the floor dust.
Night update
I released a fix/usability patch for all the TB compatible collars:
- FIXED: Animations improperly cleared on detach.
- ADDED: Added low neck freeze animation to the collars that where subject to animation related clipping.
- ADDED: Deleting the animation BACKGROUND_LOOP will disable the neck freeze without causing errors.
Marketplace entries update
I spent the entire Thursday editing all my marketplace listings, now absolutely everything should be set to direct delivery without unpacking, all the permissions should be corrected, all mentions of delivery boxes removed and whether the product is for classic avatars, compatible with mesh avatars or others should now be clearly specified.
It was a gigantic task and took more than 10 hours but… it is done!