Archive for March 12th, 2021
KDC Prison Cell post-release update!
Hello everyone, we all knew this would happen. I’ve just released a much-needed update to the KDC Prison Cell that adds a few features and addresses a number of issues:
- The “KDC Experiment” experience toggle has been removed. It uses auto-detection now.
- The “base” RLV toggle flag has been removed. It is simply always on if you use an RLV Relay.
- Some viewer/relay combinations wouldn’t allow the RLV force-teleport feature to function, fixed.
- You could still use the “Home” button when under RLV restrictions, this is also fixed.
- The door latch now derives its own scale (for animations) from the door itself.
- The lock infobox menu now features a prisoner list.
- I clarified some of the warnings & errors, related to the KDC Experiment and furnitures.
- I also added a new optional config flag to restrict the camera or force mouselook.
As usual, the update is available through the auto-updater.
(And yes, you can swap the cell/furniture content instead of replacing them completely)
Wear the update box, teleport to the KDC Main Store, and you should receive your freshly updated prison cell package in a folder. Enjoy~