The art of wasting time.
I’ve put the coding on the side for a bit. Since Monday I’ve been working on cleaning up my latex production chain. The main reason being that I would like to return to clothes production. I’m especially subject to burnout, so being able to switch to another project for a while would be beneficial.
Monday and Tuesday have been pretty full, but i kept scraping over and over my cleanup attempts on the SL avatar model I’m using. So that’s two days wasted at starting over and over.
For years I’ve been using a ruth shape to do ray tracing. Obviously you can already see a problem there.:I do not look like Ruth, and neither does most SL users. Because of this, I’m now building my toolchain around my own SL shape and skin. This way, what I see in my preview window will actually match what I will get.
It is now Wednesday evening and the different 3D models are ready for work. I still need to do a few tweaks on the “detail” model and finish converting the workspace to metric values, instead of “made up on the spot”.
I would love to include a few screenshots, but there really isn’t much to show.