High tech virtuality and system failures
I am finally the proud owner of a z800 3D head mounted display, this little baby is built around two 800×600 OLED screens. Experimentations and tests along as some system problems explain my rather silent attitude recently. I will try to get back to work very soon.
I have a KDC Shock Collar. when I am shocked the vision become blurry. my question is how long is the vision suppose to be blurry? I was shocked and the vision was blurry for over 15 minutes without any relief until I logged out then back in again. there has to be an alternative to clear the vision issue.
Yes, this can happen in some regions if messages are not being received by the client. When the pixelation is supposed to end, the collar actually sends the clearing message 3 times to be sure that it arrives, but sometimes it is still not enough.
Thank you for the feedback I will try to solve this issue.