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touchbound_system:tag_plate [2019/09/30 14:53] – [Locked activation] kyrahabattoirtouchbound_system:tag_plate [2019/09/30 15:12] (current) – Syntax kyrahabattoir
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 Tag plates are accessories that are compatible with standard TouchBound Locking points. They can be used in place of a lock as decoration. Tag plates are accessories that are compatible with standard TouchBound Locking points. They can be used in place of a lock as decoration.
-Accessories do **not**, prevent chaining & unchaining like locks do.+**Accessories do NOT, prevent chaining & unchaining like locks do.**
-====== Adding/Removing ======+====== Adding/removing ======
 Accessories like the tag plates behave very much like locks, however they don't really provide any kind of "locking" behavior. Accessories like the tag plates behave very much like locks, however they don't really provide any kind of "locking" behavior.
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 Each tag plate set comes with a selection of marking to choose from. Each tag plate set comes with a selection of marking to choose from.
-To open the plate selection menu, click the plates twice. (The plate selection menu replaces the standard double clic "infobox" of TouchBound products).+To open the plate selection menu, click the plates twice. (The plate selection menu replaces the standard double click "infobox" of TouchBound products).
 Plates are arranged nine by nine. There can also be multiple pages if needed, which can be accessed with the **<PREV** and **NEXT>** buttons. Plates are arranged nine by nine. There can also be multiple pages if needed, which can be accessed with the **<PREV** and **NEXT>** buttons.
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 ====== Customization ====== ====== Customization ======
-Official skins from different sets are compatible with eachothers and you can move them between tag plates freely.+Official skins from different sets are compatible with each others and you can move them between tag plates freely.
-The tag plates come with a full-permission copy of the "Blank" plate. You are free to save it on your disk and edit it with your favourite 2D software package.+The tag plates come with a full-permission copy of the "Blank" plate. You are free to save it on your disk and edit it with your favorite 2D software package.
 Creating and installing a custom skin is as easy as naming the texture accordingly and dropping it inside the tag plate inventory. Custom tag plates **must** be full-permission or the script will be unable to read and transmit the texture's UUID. Creating and installing a custom skin is as easy as naming the texture accordingly and dropping it inside the tag plate inventory. Custom tag plates **must** be full-permission or the script will be unable to read and transmit the texture's UUID.
touchbound_system/tag_plate.1569855192.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/30 14:53 by kyrahabattoir